Friday, April 2, 2010

Second gift (by Sandra)

So I work in a cafe', and sometimes I can be a loud barista. Aside from the obnoxiousness that I subject my fellow coffee drinkers to, I also like to talk with them, and just about half of my "regulars" know about my trials and tribulations regarding my graduate school struggle. It's these people that really keep me going throughout the long work hours of a job that I REALLY wanted to quit to pursue nannying to make more money.

Now there are other people who come in and try to steal my tips, demand that I don't know what the drinks are (or yell and insist that our company is going out of business or that rather than a "small," I really meant to make a "large"). Oy!

So this guy come in with a guy that looks like his little brother, kinda giving me this annoying customer vibe. Once he rings up this order (after asking me to repeat his order, what drinks were, etc.), he realizes that he's short 4 cents. It was like I knew that he wasn't going to have the money, and normally being a stickler for equality, I would've given him a smug-ass look and said that he still needed to give me this money, or drop a drink from his order.

The other order was for a little boy who looked like his brother, but when I asked ended up being his cousin. I rememebered that I never saw my cousins growing up, and I'm sure that if I were a spiteful gentleman of about 16, I would've bought them iced drinks on a hot Chicago day too!

So, I gave the guy 4 pennies, saying that he "better tip next time." He probably won't, but I feel like I stepped out of my Dorothy Parker, bitchy shell for a second to help a guy not look cheap in front of family.

Onto more gifts!

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